773d Force Support Squadron

Who We Are

#CommunityFocused – The 773 Force Support Squadron is a civilian led-and-operated squadron focusing on community involvement and resiliency programs.

Innovative Leadership

Our leaders are committed to innovation and excellence, driving forward initiatives that benefit our entire base.

Community Focused

Ensuring that we are able to provide premier resiliency programs for our members is paramount.

Our Leadership Team

Meet the exceptional individuals who lead the 773d Force Support Squadron. Their expertise and dedication make a significant impact on our community every day.

Heather Weafer

Director of 773d FSS

Moira Trevisan

Deputy Director of 773d FSS

Edison Ruland

Operations Manager

Robert Coker

Resource Management Flight Chief

Torry Lundberg

Director of HR

Karen O'Camb

Community Services Flight Chief


Vision Statement

Mission Statement

Provide unparallelled customer experiences through a highly trained, empowered and professional workforce.

Deliver ground-breaking and sustainable MWR programs to ensure a resilient JBER community through a valued and empowered workforce.