Rainbow Colored Headpin Night

Polar Bowl Bldg. 7176 Fighter Dr, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, AR, United States

Polar Bowl4 - 8 PM$3.99/game Visit the Polar Bowl on Thursdays during the month of April and score a strike against any rainbow-colored headpin to win a stuffed animal or a FREE game! The special runs between 4 and 8 PM.  


Rainbow Colored Headpin Night

Polar Bowl Bldg. 7176 Fighter Dr, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, AR, United States

Polar Bowl4 - 8 PM$3.99/game Visit the Polar Bowl on Thursdays during the month of April and score a strike against any rainbow-colored headpin to win a stuffed animal or a FREE game! The special runs between 4 and 8 PM.  


Rainbow Colored Headpin Night

Polar Bowl Bldg. 7176 Fighter Dr, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, AR, United States

Polar Bowl4 - 8 PM$3.99/game Visit the Polar Bowl on Thursdays during the month of April and score a strike against any rainbow-colored headpin to win a stuffed animal or a FREE game! The special runs between 4 and 8 PM.  


School’s Out Special

Polar Bowl Bldg. 7176 Fighter Dr, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, AR, United States

$5.99/person per hour School's out for the summer! Join us at the Polar Bowl to celebrate. At 5 PM, Polar Bowl's TikTok Music Theme Night starts so stick around! Thank you to our Sponsor: Raising Cane's


Rainbow Colored Headpin Night

Polar Bowl Bldg. 7176 Fighter Dr, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, AR, United States

Polar Bowl4 - 8 PM$3.99/game Visit the Polar Bowl on Thursdays during the month of April and score a strike against any rainbow-colored headpin to win a stuffed animal or a FREE game! The special runs between 4 and 8 PM.  


3★6★9 Tournament

Polar Bowl Bldg. 7176 Fighter Dr, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, AR, United States

Polar Bowl3 PM$25/personAdults Only Polar Bowl is hosting a 3★6★9 Tournament! Strikes will automatically be awarded in the 3rd, 6th, and 9th frame. Best total score of three game series. Payout is 1 and five. Adults only event. Cash payout based on number of participants
